Friday, April 17, 2009

Glenn Beck chats with Texas governor, who floats possibility of Texas secession

For the heavily FOX-promoted, corporate lobby-sponsored tax day "tea parties" across the US, Glenn Beck spoke with Texas governor Rick Perry. Perry as of late has been floating the idea of Texas seceding from the union while affirming that if the tea parties are full of "right-wing extremists [...] I am right there with you."

BECK: You know, I talked to the governor earlier today, and I don't know how popular or not popular he is here, but I tell you, his words ring true to an awful lot of people not just in Texas, but I think a lot of people all around the country. There are movements -- they've taken the original documents between James Madison and Thomas Jefferson, and in several states, I believe it's 23 now, they are passing this in their legislature, which says you don't have any more rights in the Constitution than those that are outlined, and federal government, you need to back off.

You know, from here, Glenn, listening to Governor Perry last night and watching your crowd and listening to the things that are coming out of Texas -- I don't want to be too dramatic, but it almost seems like Texas is going to secede from the rest of the nation.

I mean, I don't know (INAUDIBLE) can we get this (INAUDIBLE) back here? This is on the jib (ph) back over here. This says, Texas independence. Greta, what most people don't understand is I lived in Texas for about four years, and I have to tell you, when you first come down to Texas, you're, like, OK, the boots and the hats and the horns on the car on the car, and within -- within a year, you want the boots and the hats and the horns on your car. And the reason is -- correct me if I'm wrong -- these people love America. They just think Texas does America best!

Transcript here.

Texas news station WFAA reported: "Fox News talk-show host Glenn Beck is broadcasting from the Alamo in San Antonio, where rocker Ted Nugent will perform the national anthem."

The crowd here was excited to see the live broadcast of the Glenn Beck Show. Beck is the suddenly popular Fox News commentator who, depending on who you ask, is either the symptom or the salvation of a sick society. "He don't sugar coat the truth," Jim White, a native south Texan said. "Oh my god, oh my god, there he is! I love Glenn Beck!" a woman in a U.S. Marine Corps t-shirt yelled as she ran towards the cable news celebrity.



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