Thursday, May 14, 2009

Unemployed? Glenn Beck is hiring!

Wonkette got the scoop on this.

It's on Craigslist.
Full-Time Staff Writer (Midtown)
Reply to:
Date: 2009-05-13, 9:01PM EDT

Mercury Radio Arts is the New York based production company owned by Radio and TV host Glenn Beck.

Mercury seeks a writer for contributions to Glenn’s radio program, magazine, and web site. The ideal candidate will have a strong interest in news, current events, and politics.

Key responsibilities will include contributing original content to and to Glenn’s radio program and magazine. Writing will include a mix of short pieces and long articles, fact-based commentary on the news of the day, etc.


• Strong written and verbal communication skills
• Research skills
• At least 2 years of journalism experience

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Beck angry about pancake syrup or something, says FOX in danger of being shut down

Oof. Where to start with this one...? The government uses tax dollars to subsidize unions...?

My prediction for Glenn's on-air meltdown is still 9/11 or 9/12 of this year (2009), in line with his "9/12 Project" nonsense. Let's start a wager.

A Young Man's Fancy

Let me quote this out of context very briefly, from the pen of Glenn Beck, man of letters:

“I thought that one day, I would just wake up and realize it was just a stupid fling . . just innocent experimentation... I thought that if I admitted the love I had been hiding, society would reject me . . . .”

“It all started one day when I was twelve . . . That's when I found my true love . . . I had looked this person's way a few times and got that nervous feeling in my stomach – but I had been taught that this love was forbidden.”

“Then came the fair . . . my hand brushed this person's . . . my palms began to sweat . . . my hands began to shake . . . the Ferris wheel came to a complete stop.”

“I looked deeply into this person's eyes, and reached out to softly touch this person's face. I leaned in and I kissed this person.”

“I kissed my sister. First our lips met, seconds later our tongues. I ran my fingers through her silky hair and felt her soft skin. It was the height of passion and the moment I knew who my true love was . . . We knew we had done something so wrong, but at the same time, something so very right.”

In context: Glenn spins this fantasy scenario - something he likes to do on his show, if you haven't noticed - in his book The Real America: Messages from the Heart and Heartland to demonstrate why being gay is wrong. Yep, that's what it's for.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Beck is also an author, with more books on the way

Get ready, FOX Nation:

Beck has three books planned for this year, including "Arguing With Idiots," a nonfiction hardcover book; an audiobook called "America's March to Socialism"; and an e-book/paperback channeling of Thomas Paine, "Glenn Beck's Common Sense."

Sunday, May 3, 2009

San Antonio letter writer praises Beck for ... ?

A reader of the San Antonio News writes to contest the notion that their town's tea party, which had Glenn Beck and several FOX News jumbotron screens, and which was also attended by Gov. Rick Perry, was not grassroots:

Once Glenn Beck, the Fox TV commentator, announced he was coming, we were overwhelmed. Beck put us in touch with experienced people whose services were either paid for by us or donated. Beck also did a fund-raising lunch for us, but the concerned public paid for it all.

So, Beck comes into town and puts organizers in touch with people that they can pay to conduct their tea party.

It gets better:

We couldn't use the Fox stage and even covered the costs of the Jumbotrons Fox News used.


FOX News, I have to hand it to you. You promote an event for weeks on TV, show up with all your equipment, and then ask attendees to pay to use it. Then they say it is "grassroots." If that's not a novel approach to doing business, I'm not sure what is. GRASSROOTS FTW!