Let me quote this out of context very briefly, from the pen of Glenn Beck, man of letters:
“I thought that one day, I would just wake up and realize it was just a stupid fling . . just innocent experimentation... I thought that if I admitted the love I had been hiding, society would reject me . . . .”
“It all started one day when I was twelve . . . That's when I found my true love . . . I had looked this person's way a few times and got that nervous feeling in my stomach – but I had been taught that this love was forbidden.”
“Then came the fair . . . my hand brushed this person's . . . my palms began to sweat . . . my hands began to shake . . . the Ferris wheel came to a complete stop.”
“I looked deeply into this person's eyes, and reached out to softly touch this person's face. I leaned in and I kissed this person.”
“I kissed my sister. First our lips met, seconds later our tongues. I ran my fingers through her silky hair and felt her soft skin. It was the height of passion and the moment I knew who my true love was . . . We knew we had done something so wrong, but at the same time, something so very right.”
In context: Glenn spins this fantasy scenario - something he likes to do on his show, if you haven't noticed - in his book The Real America: Messages from the Heart and Heartland to demonstrate why being gay is wrong. Yep, that's what it's for.
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